Slocan moves along with micro-hydro bid

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
January 31st, 2011

The Village of Slocan has hired a consultant to study their proposed municipal micro-hydro project on Springer Creek.

Nelson’s Selkirk Power will be producing a report that will include an environmental assessment and water flow monitoring information.

The Village council had identified potential sites for the intake and power house, as well as the possible route for the penstock.

The project is proposed to produce 1.3 megawatts, approximately enough power for 1,300 homes — more homes than is contained in the 314-person village, according to the 2006 Canada census.

Extra power generated from the project would be sold to Fortis BC, according to government regulations. A water licence has been sent to the Ministry of Environment for the proposal.

The Village council had met with Environment Minister Barry Penner along with MLA Katrine Conroy on the project.

Public consultation is scheduled for spring as the Village continues to assemble information on the project proposal.

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