MLA's rally for Jumbo Wild

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
January 26th, 2011

MLAʼs rally for Jumbo Wild

Feb. 5, 12 p.m., Central School Gym

In November, Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall spoke to the Minister for Natural Resource Operations and he said that he would be making a decision regarding Jumbo “in the next few months.”

With this decision looming, Mungall said the BC Liberal Minister “needs to hear the voice of Kootenay residents, a voice that has emphatically said they want to keep Jumbo Wild.”

Mungall will be joined by her BCNDP colleagues and many other special guests to speak out for Jumbo Wild.

Spencer Chandra Herbert, NDP Opposition critic for Tourism, Culture and Arts, will be in Nelson to say that Jumbo Glacier Resort is bad for the environment and bad for local backcountry tourism.

A special letter that was written specifically for the event by Keep Jumbo Wild supporter Scott Neidermayer will be read by a Nelson Leaf player.

Additionally, representatives from the Kʼtunaxa Nation will speak about their delegation to the BC Legislature where they presented the BC Liberal Government with the Qat’muk Declaration, a declaration to keep Jumbo wild.

“The time to stop the Jumbo Glacier Resort is now,” said Mungall. “Let’s make sure the minister is clear that we don’t want this development in our backcountry, and that we won’t stand for it.”

For more information, please contact Michelle Mungallʼs MLA office

(354.5944 — toll-free: 1-877-388- 4498 or [email protected]).

Or to volunteer for this key event, contact the West Kootenay EcoSociety (354.1909 or [email protected]).

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