Clearing the air with a new woodstove
By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily
If you are looking to replace your old woodstove in Nelson this year, you may be eligible for up to $350 worth of rebates from local government.
The City has agreed to kick in around $100 for the Woodstove Exchange Program, along with the $250 per stove already forthcoming from the Regional District of Central Kootenay.
The program is designed to encourage residents to exchange their old, inefficient, non-EPA certified wood-burning appliances for low emissions appliances.
New technology appliances are proven to burn one third less wood, to reduce the emissions by up to 70 per cent, and to significantly reduce the risk of chimney fires.
Last year the City joined with the RDCK on the same program and received five applications for replacing woodstoves in the city.
The program is operated at a community level through grants provided by the Province and is administered by the RDCK.
The old stoves are dismantled and recycled at the RDCK waste facility.