Today’s Poll

Getting involved with the workings of City government

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 7th, 2010

Looking to become more involved with the community in which you live?

City residents interested in serving on a committee, commission or board with the City are now being sought.

If you are interested in the community and want to play a part in the direction the City of Nelson takes for the future, here’s your chance. 

Current vacancies

Please note that the length of term may vary according to the current bylaw or terms of reference. 


Advisory Planning Commission
Two vacancies (one-year term)

The Advisory Planning Commission is legislated under the Local Government Act of B.C. and advises council on land use planning issues matters and reviews all zoning bylaw amendments before they are forwarded to a public hearing.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at noon in council chambers, Nelson City Hall.

Click on ADP Terms of Reference for more information.

Community Heritage Commission 
Four vacancies (one-year term)

• Representative from Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce
• Representative from Nelson Real Estate Community 
• Two representatives from the community at large – one of these is required to have experience and sound knowledge of building restoration and preservation of local heritage values.

The Community Heritage Commission is legislated under the Community Charter and Local Government Act of B.C. and advises council on matters concerning the identification, management and preservation and/or restoration of buildings and sites with historical significance in Nelson.

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 9 a.m. in council chambers at Nelson City Hall.  

Cultural Development Commission
Two vacancies (two-year term)

• Two representatives from the community at large 

This commission is intended to complement existing cultural organizations and groups. It is directed by City council to lead, collaborate and make recommendations on the implementation of the City’s Comprehensive Cultural Sector Policy. 

Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in council chambers, Nelson City Hall.

Click on CDC Terms of Reference for more information.

Municipal Library Board
The Library has two new seats at the board table; one each for representatives from Areas F and H. 

The Nelson Municipal Library board provides overall management of all the Library operations. Appointments to the board must be residents or electors of the City of Nelson and areas F and H (South) of the Central Kootenay Regional District. 

Applications for these positions must be made through the Nelson Library website.


Board of Variance
Three vacancies (three-year term)

This board is a statutory requirement of the Local Government Act. The Board of Variance is an independent body that hears appeals for relaxation of zoning regulations, extension of non-conforming uses, relaxation of servicing requirements, reconstruction of non-conforming uses and relaxation of tree protection requirements.

The board primarily deals with requests for minor variances to the City of Nelson’s zoning bylaw regarding siting, size and dimensions of buildings where compliance would cause an undue hardship. 

Board members are contacted only when items require review by the Board of Variance.


Nelson & District Youth Advisory Committee
Three vacancies for members of the public at large (one-year term)

This Advisory Committee is an adaptive and responsive team that supports Nelson and District Youth Centre (NDYC) staff and youth through transitional times. 

The NDYC supports youth leadership through its services and programming which includes a drop in youth centre, indoor skatepark and a Youth Employment Resource Centre. 

As a member of this committee, you will advise and support NDYC staff on the overall service delivery of the Youth Centre. 

This may include funding opportunities, special event requests, strategic planning, advocacy, youth issues and networking with the community. 

For further information contact Christine Schmidt, Manager of the Youth Centre at (250) 352-5656.


How to Apply

Please submit a cover letter with your qualifications and a completed Community Service Application Form [PDF – 39 KB] stating the Committee you wish to be considered for and submit this to:

Nelson City Council, Office of the Mayor
Suite 101, 310 Ward Street
Nelson, BC V1L 5S4
Fax: 250-352-2131
Email: Joanne Caldecott


Applications for the Nelson Municipal Library Board are available from the Nelson Library website. Applicants may contact June Stockdale, chief librarian at (250) 352-8256 for further information.


The deadline for application submissions is 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 17, 2010.

As part of the selection process, all submissions are reviewed by City council. A report is prepared for the mayor and council recommending appointment of the successful candidates.

All candidates will be notified, in writing in January, 2011 as to the outcome of the selection process. 

Resumes are collected in order to process applications for vacant committee and commission positions in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and under the authority of the relevant legislation for the purpose of determining eligibility for placement.


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