Next campaign kicked off for KLH Foundation

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
November 18th, 2010

The Nelson Daily staff

The Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation will begin its Light Up the Hospital Campaign next week.

After focusing on something big all year — the CT scanner fundraising campaign ($1.5 million) — the Foundation wanted to refocus on the small things and support the new Emergency Ward at the same time, said Foundation board chair Brian May.

So instead of choosing one item they chose six. Then with cost increases the price escalated to $90,000 (most Light Up years raise around $70-$90,000).

However, each item serves emergency medicine, May said, and with three new emergency room doctors more coupled with the CT addition and the ER construction, the equipment was needed.

The Nelson Ladies Auxiliary and the Salmo Ladies Auxiliary have each agreed to buy one of the six items.

“Right away that reduces the fundraising from $90,000 to maybe $55,000,” said May.

In addition, Pledge Day at the Chahko Mika Mall will take place on Dec. 3 and for the third year in a row Ted Allen’s Jewelers has donated a diamond necklace to raffle off.

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