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Gymnastics club seeks commitment from City

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
November 24th, 2010

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

Operating without a lease on their Civic Centre gymnasium space since 2007, Glacier Gymnastics Club came to council Monday night to press them for a commitment to the “largest sport” in Nelson.

Although they could not receive a firm indication from council Monday at the committee of the whole meeting — where council only hears from the community, they make no decisions arising from the presentations — chair of the Glacier board, Ian Wood, wanted to place the bug in council’s ear on the issue.

He said Glacier needed help for recognition of the gym club from the City. With 679 fulltime members and 410 casual members, the year-round club needed additional facility space, Wood stated.

But that additional facility space in the cramped quarters of the Civic Centre could come from “reorganization of the existing gymnasium”, said Wood.

However, in order to reorganize they needed a long-term commitment from council that the Civic Centre will be the full-time home of Glacier Gymnastics, and the signing of a long-term lease.

“With a long-term commitment we can access other funding through sports programs in BC and through federal grants,” he said. “And if we are applying for grants, we need the City’s support anyway.”

With 80 per cent female membership, gymnastics has been overlooked in receiving adequate facilities in Nelson to work with, said Wood.

Glacier has represented the city and put Nelson on the map provincially at various provincial meets, with three provincial championship medals, three top 10 all around provincial placements, six top 10 provincial event placements and a fourth place event placement at the BC Winter Games, all in the last year.

The lease has to be negotiated soon, Wood said, but Glacier would like to have an answer from council by some time in January.


Issues and concerns

Given the size of Glacier’s membership, full-time year-round programming and years of operation, expensive equipment has to be replaced.

New programming also brings the need for additional pieces of equipment.

But recreational space in Nelson is limited. Glacier has had to move twice in the past 10 years, partly due to growth pressures, with the club doubling in size in the last five years.

Although the current space in the Civic Centre serves the club’s purpose, space is an issue, particularly if the current pre-school program moves to after school.

Significant renovations are required to meet all of the demands for the future, with administrative space, the office space, washrooms and changing rooms, as well as actual gym floor space (for trampoline and for pits) all needed.



• Support of Glacier as a non-profit society.

• For the City to recognize gymnastics as a viable sport, especially given the predominance of girls to boys.

• Recognition of Glacier as ambassadors of the city at the Provincial Championships and other competitions and events.

• Confirm the gym at the Civic Centre is to be the permanent location and home of the Glacier Gymnastics Club.

• Present a long-term lease agreement of at least 25 years with removal of the existing public use clause.

• Commitment to the club in support of applications to various groups for funding for the renovations.

• Commitment to conduct a review and assist in facilitation and design of leasehold and landlord improvements to the facility.


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