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Waterfront question raised by boat-access-only residents

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
October 15th, 2010

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

There was a whole other area thrown into the process on the waterfront and downtown master plan workshop Thursday night.

Ken Plautz raised the concerns of nearly 100 people that live across the water of the West Arm of Kootenay Lake  — in boat access-only homes — that would be affected by the waterfront plan down by the waste transfer station.

He said at the workshop at the Prestige Lakeside Resort there are pressures on boat traffic in summers and the subsequent parking that arises.

“We are in danger of having no space to go for parking because there has been ticketing by boat,” he said. “I wanted to bring that to your attention.”

“I know that is an issue for boat traffic and how you can moor and how you can get to and fro,” said City senior planner Dave Wahn. “That will be part of our waterfront plan.”

“I will say that that is not known in the plan at this time,” said the City’s consultant, Stuart Jones on the IBI Group of Vancouver, who hosted the workshop.

Plautz asked for feedback from the consultant and the City, but Wahn said he would talk to him about it at a later date.



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