Today’s Poll

Take Charge of Your Debts

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 20th, 2010

If you are unsure of how to manage your debts the Kootenay Boundary Credit Clinic is holding a free workshop in Nelson to give you the tools to do so.

The workshop (Saturday, Nov. 20, 1-5 p.m. at the Selkirk College Silverking Campus) can help people take charge of debts and use credit wisely. In the workshop, people will learn how to move beyond stress and fear to take control of a financial situation.

Workshop topics will include: what to do if you are struggling to pay your debts; legal information about bankruptcy, debt default, debt collection and student loans; tips to improve your credit rating; and information about the different types of credit available. 

Pre-registration for the Nov. 20 workshop is required. 

Please call 1-877-565-0013 or register online at

Credit Clinic staff can also provide one-on-one information on issues related to debt and referrals to other supports. 

The Kootenay Boundary Credit Clinic is a not-for-profit service. It is a project of Castlegar and District Community Services Society and is funded by the Law Foundation of BC, Columbia Basin Trust, Kootenay Savings and Nelson and District Credit Union.



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