Today’s Poll

Library referenda: deja vu, all over again?

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
October 20th, 2010

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

The game may still be afoot in the regional district’s library referenda.

With initial reports showing the referenda passing in two of three districts Saturday night, Monday morning brought a different light to the proceedings.

The recount on Monday put the ‘yes’ vote — whether or not to enter into service for the Nelson Municipal Library in areas E, F and southern H — in the lead by three votes in Area F (413 yes to 416 no).

That was less than the 60 votes the initial count showed on Saturday night, with 29 votes and one ‘no’ vote being counted as a ‘yes’ on the day of the vote. As a result, the regional district could be calling for another referenda on the question in that area.

The previous library referendum in Area F in 1991 failed by 11 votes.

Area E was still firmly in the ‘no’ category with 597 (no) to 390 (yes), while southern Area H will be receiving library service with an official 498 (yes) to 316 (no) count.

With the new service, residents will be paying $10.30 per $100,000 in assessed property value to fund it.



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