How to stay sane as the world goes crazy

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
October 14th, 2010

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

Staying sane while all around you go crazy is a trick for the ages.

It is also the trick we are being asked to pull as economic hard times, climate change and “messy issues of oil” assail us on an ever increasing scale.

It is also the topic of a public talk and discussion with Kathy McMahon, the Peak Shrink, as she offers clinical wisdom, common sense and good humour to those who come to the Capitol Theatre Thursday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. (to 10 p.m.).

“As we are bombarded with alarming headlines on a daily basis, how do we find the sane space between doom and denial?” McMahon said in a statement.

In her talk she asks if there is a place for wit when the major challenges of our lifetime are examined, including economic depression, environmental degradation, and energy depletion. She also questions if blind optimism itself is a diagnosable mental disorder.

Using humor and insight, clinical psychologist McMahon discusses why “all or nothing” thinking circumvents more serious conversation about what we value, how our values dictate our behavior, and what we need to do to prepare for a future that may be very different from what is been predicted.

McMahon’s research project, is a collection of these narratives, investigating the emotional impact on ordinary people, living through dramatic economic, energy, and environmental upheavals.

Sponsored by Transition Nelson.

Tickets are $12 for adults ($8-$15 sliding scale) and $8 for students and seniors.

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