Today’s Poll

Go online for sustainability

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 13th, 2010

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

The ball is now in the public’s court.

Starting today, municipal government will turn its ear from the lofty concrete tower of the White Building towards the street to garner input on what Nelsonites feel are the key aspects of creating a sustainable community.

The City is looking for public input on the work completed to-date on the Path to 2040 Sustainability Strategy, and are asking residents to participate in an online survey.

Through the findings of the survey, the City will be able to refine the sustainability strategy and determine the actions and the projects the City will move towards as it travels the Path to 2040 Strategy.

“This strategy is … the roadmap to ensuring a sustainable future,” said Mayor John Dooley, in a press release.

The strategy will be the guiding document for council to navigate the sustainability waters.

City manager Kevin Cormack said the strategy defines and recognizes what is great about Nelson, preserving and enhancing what people love about Nelson.

The strategy also includes the Community Climate Action and Energy Plan and the Sustainable Waterfront and Downtown Master Plan.

To provide feedback on the strategy and fill out the questionnaire, go online at  under the “Spotlight” section. The survey will launch Oct. 13 and run until Oct. 22.


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