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Heritage Credit Union latest hit for thieves

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
September 16th, 2010

The Nelson Daily staff

Nobody could accuse these guys of keeping banker’s hours.

Unknown culprits broke into the Heritage Credit Union in Slocan Park at 1:25 a.m. Tuesday morning, but all they likely got away with were a few stacks of empty deposit envelopes.

Upon entry into the facility, thieves attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to break into the automated teller machine. Considerable damage occurred to the building and ATM as a result of the break-in. 

Police investigators are presently following up to determine if there was any applicable video surveillance, as well as comparing information and evidence from the other related crimes that have occured since Sept. 10, in an effort to identify the suspects.  

It is likely the thieves cased out the financial institution and ATM ahead of time, or perhaps had some local knowledge, prior to committing the offence, said RCMP Staff Sgt. Dan Siebel.

He said the Kootenay Boundary Regional Detachment General Investigation Section and Slocan Lake RCMP are seeking people’s assistance for any information regarding this and the other recent offences. 

“The community is the eyes and ears for the police,” he said. “I believe the public could be most helpful in assisting in our investigation.”

Information regarding suspicious persons and activities could be potentially very valuable in solving these crimes, as well preventing other crimes from occurring, he added.

The method of entry and the tools the robbers used in the Heritage break-in are not being released to the public at this time, in order to not compromise the investigation.

Police say the bank robbery of an after-hours ATM at the Kootenay Regional Airport in Castlegar Sept. 10 is likely related to the Heritage break-in, as well as a break-in at the Kootenay Savings financial institution in South Slocan a few days ago.

In Castlegar, the ATM was broken into and the contents were removed. The amount stolen was not released by police. 

With files from the Castlegar Source.

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