Nelson Rocks on Coldest Night of Year

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 24th, 2020

Mother Nature cooperated — it was dam cold.

And so did the more than 300 participants in the 2020 Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser Saturday in the Heritage City.

Not only did the event attract more walkers in 2020, but the CNOY blasted through its original goal of $40,000 by more than 12 Grand.

The CNOY attracted 317 walkers, 37 teams and 87 volunteers to the event that saw participants walk through the streets of Nelson, starting at the Central (Wildflower) School parking lot in Uphill.

“Driving the route last night and seeing all those white toques parading down the street made me so happy,” says CNOY event coordinator Stephanie Myers.

“I truly can’t express how much I appreciate all the work that folks put into this event. Everything from the actual fundraising and asking their friends and family to support them, to setting up tables and serving hot chocolate at Rest Stops. I feel just like the Grinch did when his heart grew three sizes bigger.

“Thank you, Nelson. You definitely rock.”

Top team was the 43-member Nelson Covenant Church, which raised $4,785 with Super Stars second at $3,970. Kootenay Co-op was third at 3,067.40.

Rounding out the top ten teams were Debbie’s Diamonds, Kootenay Rhythm Dragons, Team Trafalgar, Wildflower School Walkers, Rotary Noon-to-Daybreak Nightwalkers, Hemlock Homes and Cycles Construction and Room and Board.

Sandra Bernier topped the individual walkers category with Debbie House second and Althea Kettlewell third. Rita Klenk, Margie Hills, Alyssa Nebel, Flavia Elias, Russ Yeske, Cath Little and Jenny Robinson completed the top ten.

Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall has been a huge supporter of the work Nelson CARES does once again made a generous donation this year. Mungall is matching the total of all the CNOY jar donations around town to a minimum of $1000. And she’s asked that if you can do the same, please do.

“I want to thank all of the people involved with CNOY for the amazing work they have done to raise funds for the much-needed housing and supports for people in our community,” Mungall said.

Previous CNOY walks, organized by Nelson Cares Society, focused on refurbishing downtown affordable housing in Ward Street Place. This year, the funds raised will focus on supporting individuals.

The super-fun, family-friendly event is held across Canada on the last Saturday of February, this year February 22.

CNOY Nelson runs because of the many team captains, walkers, the sponsors, donors and the numerous businesses that hosted donation jars and the more than 80 volunteers.

“We literally could not do this event without all of this volunteer support,” said Ron Little President of Nelson CARES Board of Directors.

"Folks donated their Saturday evening to stand on a dark street corner to cheer on the walkers as they head to a warm bowl of chilli at St Joseph’s School."

Nelson City Councilor Janice Morrison, flanked by Jenny Robinson of Nelson Cares and Councilor Britny Anderson, welcomes the walkers to the 2020 Coldest Night of Year. 

Top fundraising team was the 43-member Nelson Covenant Church, which raised $4,785.

Staff at Kootenay Insurance Services in Nelson also joined in on the 2020 CNOY walk.

The Nelson Moving Mosaic Community Samba band was ready to lead the walkers through Nelson.

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