MLA Mungall still working to reduce poverty in BC

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 1st, 2017

Michelle Mungall continues to fight for the less fortunate residents of the province after the Nelson-Creston MLA helped the NDP introduce a poverty reduction act in the Legislature for the sixth time Wednesday in Victoria.
“We have some of Canada’s highest poverty levels and yet we are the only province without a plan to reduce poverty,” said Mungall, who had to miss Saturday’s Coldest Night of the Year Walk to work on the the act in Victoria.

“Housing prices and the cost of living continue to rise and food bank use is at an all-time high while homelessness as exploded with over 70 tent cities in the Lower Mainland alone.”
Mungall said the Poverty Reduction and Economic Inclusion Act mandates the government to set specific targets and goals to reduce poverty in the province.  Christy Clark’s Liberal Government has so far declined to debate the act.
“Since 2013, I have brought this act forward five times. Each time Christy Clark has decided that the concerns of her corporate donors are more important than hundreds of thousands of British Columbians,” said Mungall.   
“BC desperately needs a plan. We could do this if we had a willing government.”

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