Local SAR units perform overnight rescue in mountains near Ymir

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
July 19th, 2022

Search and Rescue crews from throughout the region – including Rossland, Castlegar and Nelson, responded to an ATV accident Sunday evening near Barrett Lake outside Ymir.

Local SAR units responded to the call at approximately 8 p.m. of a multiple ATV accident concerning three people.

“It was a long night for our members and local first responders,” said the post on the South Columbia SAR Facebook page.

“Incredible effort by everyone involved and we couldn't be happier at how it all came together,” the post added.

“Unfortunate delays in weather from the coast delayed our ability to get our seriously injured subject out sooner, but it was still the best option for the level of care he needed and his condition.”

Two of the accident victims were rescued by the early hours of Monday morning while the third person, in stable condition, needed more urgent care from injuries.

That necessitated a call to the Canadian Armed forces and the Joint Rescue Coordination Center in Victoria.

“When these situations arise it still amazes us the amount of resources we can access and use in our line of work,” the South Columbia SAR post said.

“Having the abilities that we do as SAR Managers and SAR members as a whole is truly important for us to help save lives.”

The injured person, removed from the accident site using a long line, was transported via a Cormorant helicopter shortly after 6 a.m. Monday to Castlegar Airport where a Hercules aircraft was used to move the victim to medical care in Kelowna.

In all two Ambulances and four attended the location as well as members of the Salmo Fire Department, who initially responded, KERPA (Dr Nick Sparrow), RCMP, EMBC Staff, JRCC, and all our local SAR members from South Columbia, Nelson, Castlegar and Rossland.

SAR units, as well as Dr. Nick Sparrow of the Kootenay Emergency Response Physicians Association (KERPA), set up camp near the Nelson Rod & Gun Club firing range. 

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