Ready For Sale: St Saviour’s Fundraising Calendar
The sticker shock on groceries lately has been substantial and now we are heading into the holiday season with many more bills looming on the horizon.
Sometimes the money doesn’t make it to the end of the month.
For over two decades, the St. Saviour’s Food Pantry has been there to help folks in need. In 2000, the Food Pantry opened its doors to the public for the first time, working out of an office closet, and without any advertising, eight people came that day.
Over the years so many more have come into the space (no longer a closet) to access food, have a coffee and chat with friends and neighbours,” said Nora Nitz, Volunteer Food Pantry Manager.
“Served with respect and dignity, every client is able to choose what they put in their own bags and then sit for a while with a coffee and baked treat.”
Nitz said conversations, laughter and a sense of community fill the room.
“We’ve hosted parties and wakes, celebrations of all sorts in our space,” Nitz said.
“We would like to thank the artists whose work brings this calendar to life, as well as Hall Printing for their expertise. We are 100% volunteer run and couldn’t operate without their gift of time. Our clients who always enrich our lives and our many benefactors make this all possible. Thank you.”
The calendars will be found at Otter Books, Ellison’s Market, Nelson Museum, Archives & Gallery Shop, Kootenay Co-op, Nelson Home Building and Kootenai Moon Furniture and Home Decor starting on Wednesday, Nov 9th.
A portion of the sales will go directly to support the work of the St. Saviour’s Food Pantry.
Thank you to all the artists and photographers:
- Lainey Benson
- Ingrid Love
- Madeleine Guenette
- Michael Dill
- Steph Malette
- Cody Aaron McLachlan
Reach out to Stephanie Myers ( or 250.505.7410) for businesses want to carry the calendars or if anyone would like to purchase some at wholesale prices as gifts for staff, clients, or suppliers.
If you would like to make a cash donation to St. Saviour’s Pro-Cathedral (please include ‘for Food Pantry’ in the memo line of the cheque) or donations of food are welcome every Friday at 8:30 a.m. before doors open from 9 – 11 a.m. (including holidays), 701 Ward Street, Nelson BC.
Everyone is Welcome.
Photo Caption: Food Pantry volunteers: Elizabeth Ellis, Janet Jones, Marg Whalley, Peter Smith, Nora Nitz and Sharon Speirs. — Submitted photo