Masks to be a personal choice at RDCK facilities
The Regional District of Central Kootenay said Thursday that following today’s announcement from the British Columbia Provincial Health Officer (PHO), it will no longer be a requirement for the public to wear masks in any of its offices or facilities effective Friday, March 11, 2022.
The RDCK said the PHO based this decision on B.C.’s lowered hospitalization and transmission rates.
“We appreciate the public’s commitment to ensuring the health and safety, not only of our employees and volunteers, but the community at large, when using our facilities since these mandates were originally implemented,” said Stuart Horn, RDCK Chief Administrative Officer in a media release Thursday.
“While the RDCK looks forward to seeing more smiling faces at all our facilities, we also recognize that some people will feel more comfortable wearing masks.”
The RDCK said the announcement applies to members of the public accessing offices and facilities in the regional district.
However it is still the responsibility of the RDCK to determine what is appropriate to ensure the health and safety of its staff.
As a result, the RDCK said staff will continue to follow masking and proof of vaccination guidelines set by the RDCK Board of Directors and RDCK management.
The RDCK is asking that the public to please respect the fact staff will be wearing masks even if members of the public are not required to do so.
The RDCK said some members of the public may also continue to wear masks.
“This is their personal choice, and should be respected,” the RDCK said