NDCU continues to support Art & Act Camps
After a very successful and fun-filled summer season of Art and Act Camps, Oxygen Art Centre is grateful for the continued support of the Nelson and District Credit Union.
This financial support allows Oxygen Art Centre to offer subsidised Arts Education Programming to children and youth in our Spring Break and Summer Camps.
“Art is essential. It connects us and brings great joy to our lives,” said Anita Levesque, co-founder of Oxygen’s art camps for kids.
“By making and creating, we become problem solvers, exercising both sides of our brains. It is a celebration of beauty, a mode to express what is deep within, and a tool to better understand our place in the world.”
Oxygen Art Centre is a not for profit, community arts organization and artist run centre.
Oxygen Art Centre is grateful for the continued support of the NDCU and other organisations and businesses in the community that help keep the Oxygen flowing, and our doors open for public programming.