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'Tragically Hip' Screening - to Fund Brain Cancer Research

By Contributor
August 4th, 2016

Dear Editor,

The Canadian Cancer Society is partnering with venues across Canada to host live screenings of The Tragically Hip’s concert in Kingston, Ont., on August 20. The Royal Theatre in Trail, the Element Club Bar & Grill in Castlegar and the Civic Theatre in Nelson are among the venues broadcasting the concert to Hip fans all while raising critically needed funds for brain cancer research.

The CBC, which is airing the concert live between 5:30-8:30 p.m., has worked with the Society to grant broadcast rights to venues that want to screen the free concert. Fans who attend, however, will be encouraged to donate to the newly established Brain Cancer Research Fund in honour of Gord Downie.

In May, Downie – the lead singer of the band – revealed he had been diagnosed with glioblastoma, a currently incurable brain cancer. He is one of 3,000 Canadians who will be told this year that they have brain cancer.

It is expected that nearly 2,000 Canadians will die from the disease this year. Brain cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in children aged 0-14 and the second most common cause of cancer death among older adolescents and young adults aged 15-29. Glioblastoma is the most common type of brain cancer in adults and one with an average survival of less than 15 months after diagnosis.

Despite the Canadian Cancer Society investing $10 million in the last five years in brain cancer research projects across the country, there is still a long way to go. Survival rates are low, and we can’t fund brain cancer research without help from generous donors.

The Society is calling on local fans and encouraging them to check out the live screening of the August 20 concert, The Tragically Hip: A National Celebration, at participating venues.

To donate to the brain cancer research fund

Text the word FIGHT to 20222, visit or call 1-800-268-8874.

For more information, please contact Annual Giving Coordinator Valerie Rossi at 250-808-0178 or via email at

Valerie Rossi

Canadian Cancer Society

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