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Stores To Shores update

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 8th, 2015

The good news is the City of Nelson’s Stores To Shores project is on schedule.
After the L.V. Rogers Cavalcade managed to avoid the mess downtown, crews were busy back to working on the Stores To Shores project.

City stagg said the new water main along Hall Street will be tied in to local businesses, likely early Wednesday morning or early Thursday. 

“The first tie in will be at the southeast corner of the Vernon and Hall intersection, right by the New China Restaurant,” staff said.
“The tie-in will affect a number of Vernon Street properties, all of which will be contacted by Stores To Shores construction staff.”

City staff said water service will be disrupted for approximately two hours while the tie  is underway.  There’ll be several additional tie ins to follow. Businesses can expect additional information early this week.
Motorists, pedestrians, businesses and shoppers should keep an ear open for news regarding the temporary closure of Vernon and Hall Street.

Construction crews will be preparing to begin work on lowering of the crossing over the next few weeks — making for safer sight lines up and down Hall and Vernon, and better traffic and pedestrian flow.

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