Stores to Shores Revitalization Project Update
Maglio Installations crews are quickly rounding the 500 Block of Hall Street into shape as the Stores to Shores project continues to move ahead.
City of Nelson staff said the work around around IODE Park is starting to take shape with the patio and social steps forming in nicely atop the 500 block of Hall Street.
The Bibo restauarant now has its deck open for business with pedestrian access to Herridge Lane is easier, thanks to completion of the concrete staircase alongside Boomtown.
Concrete form work will now start on the steps on the east side of the park, above Gericks.
Fortis will be lowering two gas lines so that the steps can be formed.
City staff said due to the work, the walkway through IODE Park to Victoria Street will be closed, except for access for the residences located beside the park.
Also on tap this week:
- Crews will be finishing shallow utility work in the 500 Block of Hall and installing catch basins adjacent to Sidewinders.
- Starting Tuesday the new water main will be flushed and tested. It’s expected the line will be approved for service within the next two weeks, and tie-ins can proceed.
- To accommodate the testing and tie-in preparation over the next ten-to-twelve days, there’ll be scheduled shut downs at properties along the 500 block. Those shuts downs will result in temporary loss of water service. Much of that work will take place in the very early morning, with shut downs to last no more than three hours.
City staff said crews will be sending out a 72-hour shut down notice and providing more in-depth information.
At the Hall and Vernon Street intersection, the crossing will be open for this upcoming weekend’s Grad Cavalcade Saturday.
Businesses, motorists and pedestrians should be prepared for the closure in the next few weeks.
The City and Maglio Installations will provide considerable notice of the closure well ahead of time.
The Nelson Commons project and the Stores To Shores Downtown Revitalization are not connected, one is a private sector project undertaken by the Nelson Commons ownership group, the other is being funded and overseen by the City of Nelson.