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Ministry of Forests places Meadow Creek Cedar Forest Licence under notice for pending cancellation

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 12th, 2015

Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations announced Monday that, effectively immediately, the Meadow Creek Cedar Forest Licence has been placed under notice for pending cancellation.

The pending cancellation, the second in just over a year, is scheduled to take place on Aug. 7, 2015.

The Forest Licence at Meadow Creek was placed under the same cancellation notice in January 2014.

The Forest Act requires a 90-day notification period and opportunity for the licence holder to request a review or appeal of the notice.

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations said in a prepared media release that the notice was issued due to its dissatisfaction with steps taken to date by Meadow Creek Cedar to meet remediation order deadlines.

The Ministry also said Meadow Creek Cedar hasand extensive history of non-compliance in managing financial and legal obligations under the license.

There is only glimmer of hope the company, owned by Surrey’s Dale Kooner, is for current owners to sell and transfer the license.

However, the new owner must be approved by the ministry before cancellation takes effect.

The Meadow Creek Cedar Forest Licence has an allowable annual cut of 96,513 cubic-metres in the Selkirk Forest District, with most of the operation located around Kootenay Lake north of Kaslo.

The company experienced a fire in November of 2014 that fully destroyed the mill.

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