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Illegal parked cars at Pulpit Rock starting to be a concern for local RCMP

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 17th, 2015

Nelson RCMP is reminding the public not to park on the lakeside of Johnstone Road when accessing the popular Pulpit Rock Trail.

Pulpit Rock trail, an extremely popular trail that is accessed by thousands of hikers every year, provides a great view of Nelson once you reach end of the trail.

The trail head is located 2.3 killometers west on Johnstone Road, across the Big Orange Bridge off Highway 3A north of Nelson.

However, parking is limited and police have been called on numerous occasions to deal with illegal parked vehicles.

” . . . it is illegal to park on the lakeside of Johnstone Road by the trail head given the congestion it creates,” said the RCMP media release.

“There are currently “No Parking” signs posted along the south side of the roadway that some motorist seem to refuse to obey.”

Police are now reminding those users who continue to disobey the No Parking signs, their vehicles could be towed. 

“The congestion creates a problem should large emergency vehicles such as fire rescue vehicles or ambulances  needing to get through plus the added danger as vehicles approach from either direction with only a single lane to get through,” said the media release.

“Please be warned that if the violations continue the police will be in a position to have to start towing vehicles.”

See related story.

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