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Crane removes massive glulam beams from Nelson Commons site

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 19th, 2015

The site of the Nelson Commons is quickly taking, or losing, shape at Vernon and Hendryx Street.

The former Extra Foods building is but a memory as crews demolished the age old structure.

Wednesday, the massive glulam beams were chainsawed to length and moved to Spearhead, is a multi-faceted, value-added manufacturing company specializing in the design and fabrication of architectural timber and steel.

The manufacturing facility is located on the west arm of Kootenay Lake at 12-Mile on the North Shore.

Sheep Creek Crane Services hoisted the beams onto Maglio Industries flat deck truck for recycling use.

Excavators were busy demolishing the final structure whille other equipment was removing debris from the parking lot.

Nelson Commons resident occupancy is expected to begin in the summer of 2016 with the Kootenay Co-op store opening the fall of 2016.

Anyone wanting to watch the action can access the Nelson Commons webcam.

Or just walk by Vernon and Hendryx for daily changes.

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