Nelson Fire Chief approves two-week burning period for city residents
Saturday was the opening day for a two-week burning period in Nelson following approval by City Fire Chief Simon Grypma.
The burning period runs from Saturday, April 14 to Saturday, April 28.
This burn period is for the purpose of reducing hazardous yard waste in conjunction with recommendations adopted in the Community Wild Fire Protection Plan.
Suitable materials for burning would be coarse woody debris and dry seasoned accumulations of non-compostable yard waste.
Anyone wishing to burn must have a valid permit and follow the Corporation of the City of Nelson Bylaw #3217, specifically Section 5.5 Yard Clearing.
Permits must be acquired at the Nelson Fire Department in person, located at 919 Ward Street and a one-time payment of $10 can be paid by cash or cheque at the time of issuance.
Residents will be asked to follow the Ministry of Environment’s Venting Index Guidelines and burn only on days when venting is rated “Good,” to minimize any accumulation of smoke causing air pollution.
The public is also required to report to Nelson Fire & Rescue on the days of scheduled burning.
Contravention of Bylaw #3217 may be met with suspension or revocation of the permit and/or a fee for service as set out under Sections, 5.8
Suspension of Fire Permits, 5.10 Suspension of Burning, and 5.11Burning Without a Required Permit.
The Corporation of the City of Nelson Bylaw #3217 can be found on the City of Nelson Website at: