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Annual Foundation dinner celebrates substantial year

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
April 29th, 2011

The Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation declared it the start of their “Business Appreciation Days” — the occasion was the Foundation’s annual Caring Company Dinner held at the Hume Hotel April 20.

The program, now in its 12th year, is an opportunity for the Foundation to thank local businesses and organizations for past contributions as well as to share plans for the coming year.

Foundation director Brian May told the crowd that last year they saw retailers along Baker Street joining forces, realtors sharing commissions, contractors pitching in to build a house, and local managers lobbying for head office grants.

“Group support ranged from the Balfour Anglican Church Guild to the Road Kings and communities from Meadow Creek to Nelson,” he said.

Caring Companies and Clubs receive awards based on donation levels and, unlike previous years, the greatest number received gold awards which indicated that core supporters dug deeper to make the ambitious CT Scanner program a success. 

At the same time, since the number of direct donors only increased by 400, it was clear that many people donated indirectly through community groups.

“Clubs, societies, teams, leagues, congregations, and neighbourhoods all found creative ways to raise funds and bring fun to the campaign,” said May.

Overall the groups combined to donate $635,000 in 2010.


Improving the KLH diagnostic program

Presentations throughout the evening included Thalia Vesterback, local IHA  Health Services   Director for Diagnostic Imaging.

After explaining software capabilities and operational plans for the CT scanner, Vesterback announced that the Foundation has committed to further strengthen the KLH diagnostic program by purchasing new bone scanning equipment to aid in diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.

KLH is the only facility in the region offering the program. Foundation directors added that they have also agreed to other immediate purchases and the creation of a diagnostic contingency fund to help with future fundraisers.


Maternity ward gets upgrade

Local maternity ward nurse Andrea McKenzie discussed a plan to buy a third external fetal monitor during the Foundations Breath of Spring campaign.

The capacity of the maternity program has grown by 50 per cent since it was renovated in 2002. The $38,000 monitor is essential to gauge vital signs during labour.

Since the beginning of the year the Foundation, in partnership with other parties, has now committed to buy six pieces of equipment for the ward at a cost of $114,000.

Categories: Health

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