Sunset gathering to honour water
Sunset gathering to honour water
@ the Labyrinth in Lakeside Park
Tuesday, March 22, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
In celebration of United Nations World Water Day (March 22), people are invited to celebrate World Water Day at the Lakeside Park Labyrinth that same day.
A sunset gathering to honour and support Earth’s worldwide community and the water that sustains all life will be held.
Bring the family, food, a candle, water from your source and information to share.
Opening prayer and blessing by appointed spokesperson Marilyn James at 5:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Angela Jones at 551-2799. or
Slhu7kin’ Perry Ridge Wilderness Preserve will have an initiative table set up at the Kootenay Co-op the afternoon of March 22 to fundraise in support of a local critical human rights issue regarding water and the ecosystems that rely on it in the Slocan Valley.