City wide street spring cleaning
Once the snow has gone, the City of Nelson will begin sweeping and flushing streets and boulevards.
The downtown core will be first, followed by Fairview, Uphill and then Rosemont. Residents and businesses can provide assistance to City maintenance crews by observing the following practices and bylaws:
• City street parking – On odd-numbered days, vehicles should be parked on the odd-numbered side of streets and on even-numbered days, vehicles should be parked on the even-numbered side of streets.
This practice will allow us to sweep close to the curbs. If you have off-street parking available, please do not park on the street.
• Do not leave vehicles parked on City streets for more than 72 consecutive hours. If leaving town without your vehicle, make provisions to have it moved regularly. Under City bylaw, violating vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense.
• Residents can rake accumulated sand off of boulevards onto the street, near the curb for removal by City crews. The sand must not be placed in piles.
• Sweep your driveway; don’t wash it with the hose. Washing driveways is a significant waste of water. When washing your vehicle with a bucket and sponge, only use the hose to wet your vehicle down and rinse your vehicle off.