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Alf Crossley: Spirit of the Land @ Touchstones Nelson

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 31st, 2011

Alf Crossley: Spirit of the Land

@ Touchstones Nelson, Gallery A

Opening reception:  Friday, April 1, 7-9 pm, (exhibition closing date June 12) 

Artist talk: Thursday, April 14, 7 pm


Well known Kootenay artist Alf Crossley’s work is firmly rooted in our local landscape.

With a visual style often leaning towards abstraction, his practice has long been based on working outdoors (or “en plein air”), drawing both imagery and inspiration directly from the natural environment.

“I suppose the basic inspiration comes from my delight in seeing how the forces of nature … wind, water, and sunlight orchestrate this earth and how the resulting rhythm, repetition and growth force, etc. bring meaningful form into the visual tapestry surrounding us,” Crossley says.
Born in Rossland, Alf Crossley graduated in graphics and painting from the Vancouver School of Art (later to be Emily Carr) in 1965.

During this four year period, he studied with such notables as Takao Tanabe, Roy Kiyooka and Jack Shadbolt.

With a brief stopover in the Okanagan, Crossley eventually resettled in the Kootenays in the early 1970’s, buying a house outside of Castlegar that he continues to live in today.

Although there will be some new works, the exhibition will primarily be a retrospective of Crossley’s long running career.

In addition to numerous works on paper, paintings spanning the years in what has become Crossley’s trademark style will be on display, along with some of his earliest pieces that document the origins and evolution of the visual style he would later become known for.

The exhibition will open the evening of Friday, April 1 from 7-9 pm, and run to June 12, with an artist talk scheduled for Thursday, April 14 at 7 pm.

Touchstones Nelson: Museum of Art and History is located at 502 Vernon Street.

Categories: Arts and Culture

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