2011 Scotiabank MS Walk
Make your step the one that ends multiple sclerosis.
The Scotiabank MS Walk is the largest fundraiser of the year for the West Kootenay Chapter of the MS Society and it goes Sunday, May 1 in Nelson at Lakeside Park.
The Chapter, now in its eleventh year, relies on donations and fundraising to provide services and programs to people living with MS and their families throughout the West Kootenay and Boundary. They are also an invaluable resource for caregivers and service providers.
This spring over 6,000 participants will join together for the Scotiabank MS Walk to end MS. Exciting changes will be taking place at this year’s walks but you will still have a great time enjoying the entertainment and supporting an important cause.
Participants will be able to enjoy live entertainment, complimentary snacks and a fun Kids’ Zone. There will be continual updates on the money raised throughout the morning.
Raise a minimum $125 ($35 for kids 12 and under) and receive an MS Walk T-shirt you can wear with pride. Raise more and be eligible for free gift cards and Elite Feet prizes. Check out the website for more information!http://mssociety.ca/bc/walk_rewards.htm
Register as an individual or as a team. Then motivate your team and others by issuing a challenge to similar businesses or teams to sign up more members or raise more money.
All challenge winners will receive a “Bragging Rights” certificate.
Register your challenge with an email to info.westkootenay@mssociety.ca
“I walk so that one day no other family will have to go through the same things we did because MS was in our lives. I walk for the hope that one day MS will have a cure.”
– Amanda, Alberta