Kid’s zone buy and sell
On Saturday, March 5, Slocan Valley Recreation will once again be hosting the annual Kid’s Zone Buy and Sell.
This popular event is being held at the Slocan Park Hall and runs from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Every spring the Swap gets kids cleaning out their closets and cupboards and finding items they’ve outgrown, which may just bring them some cold hard cash just in time for Spring Break.
Just what is the Kid Zone Buy and Sell and how does it work? It’s a swap meet where nothing but kids stuff is bought and sold. Clothes, games, toys, books and sporting goods are just some of the items which can be found.
On top of that kids are asked to run the tables and make the sales. Parents can assist at the tables if they wish, but primarily we’re encouraging the young entrepeneurs to experience how it works.
Of course, all ages are welcome to come and shop. In fact, the event has become a great place for those with young families to fill their growing children’s needs at a reasonable cost. Be ready to find lots of great bargains.
Table space can be at a premium for the event, so if interested in being a vendor, contact the Rec. Office at 226-0008 or via email at real soon.
The Slocan Park Hall can be found approximately 10 kilometres north on Highway 6 from the Highway 3 junction.