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Pending spelling check, Chinatown plaque approved by council

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
January 12th, 2011

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

In an effort to avoid the embarrassment from spelling errors that befell the First Nations plaque last year, City council turned over the review of a new plaque approved for the Chinatown project to the Cultural Development Commission for “spell checking.”

City council approved $1,500 in the 2011 budget — from the waterfront development and capital improvements reserve fund — for the plaque and monument to be erected near the site of Nelson’s former Chinatown district below Vernon Street.

“But could someone check the Chinese on this one, because that is what happened on the First Nations one last year,” said Coun. Marg Stacey.

The First Nations plaque now adorns the waterfront walkway near the airport and contained some language errors on its face.

Editing and other details are yet to be determined on the plaque, said Coun. Donna Macdonald.

The CDC will look over the wording, Coun. Macdonald told Coun. Stacey. Ordering of the stone and the engraving won’t be done until the wording has been edited.

Columbia Basin Trust director Wayne Lundberg advised the City the CBT would contribute $1,500 to the project but needed a partner with a registered society or other legal entity (the City).

“We can allow this into the 2011 budget. Then council will consider the other costs to the project,” said City manager Kevin Cormack.

The recommendation would also move it to the budget process, taking place this month.

The commemorative plaque would officially acknowledge the contribution made by Nelson’s Chinese community to the city.

This would be the first time for the Chinese community to receive positive recognition by the City of Nelson for its substantial work in railroad building, market gardening, mining and in the service sector during the early days of Nelson’s rapid growth, said a letter to council from Claus Lao Schunke.



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