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Third video on housing released by Mungall

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 17th, 2010

The third and final installment of MLA Michelle Mungall’s video-trilogy letter to Housing Minister Rich Coleman came out today.

The video letters urge the Minister to spread a little holiday cheer by releasing funding for the Canadian Mental Health Association’s proposed Anderson Street housing development for seniors who have experienced homelessness.

“The 35 units of supportive housing for seniors would be a huge benefit to the community by putting an end to homelessness for many people,” said Mungall.

The project has been shovel-ready since the fall of 2008 and would see $7 million put into supportive housing in the region. Despite reassurances from Minister Coleman that this project is a priority, actual dollars have yet to be seen.

During filming, Mungall enlisted the help of local housing advocates, City councilor Donna Macdonald, and people who would benefit from this supportive housing.

“Anyone  can view the video trilogy on my YouTube channel or by following the links from my website,” said Mungall.

“Most importantly, the Minister for Housing doesn’t have to make a special trip to see that local seniors and the lot on Andersen Street are ready and waiting for housing. He can see them just by clicking “play” on three videos.”

For more information go to 

Below are the links to the three video letters on Youtube:


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