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NDCC addition moves into design phase

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
November 26th, 2010

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

The design of the multi-purpose gymnasium addition to the Nelson and District Community Complex is now moving into the design phase.

The regional district board of directors approved the input phase for the design of the facility to be added on to the east side of the NDCC.

Once the design is determined, the Nelson Italian Canadian Society will take the lead role working with the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Community Services department to secure funding.

The design is also subject to completion of a community recreation plan and a realistic business plan to show the operation to be self sufficient in operation as well as capital.

Based on operating costs and revenue sources, former NDCC general manager Bernie Van Hooft said in 2008 the multi-purpose gym would not require any more funding from government to operate.

Van Hooft said the overall operation would not impact NDCC existing staff to operate the gym, but additional staff would be required for the custodial work, as well as programming, booking and marketing tasks.

The facility could expect to become self sustaining in two years, said Van Hooft, renting space in the gymnasium to physiotherapists as part of the revenue, in addition to renting out the gym as a banquet facility.

The $3.1-million multi-purpose gymnasium expansion for the NDCC was approved in principle by city council in October of 2008.

At that meeting, City council transferred land to the RDCK subject to the successful fundraising for the facility and the completion of the project. The city’s taxpayers won’t be on the hook for any funds contributed towards the design and construction of the facility.

Currently city taxpayers contribute 64.45 per cent of the taxation revenue to the NDCC. The Nelson Italian Canadian Society is expected to raise all of the funds required for the construction of the building. Once it is complete, the society will turn the ownership of the facility over to the RDCK to own and operate.

The Nelson Italian Canadian Society first brought the proposal to council in January of 2006 as a community banquet hall.

The multipurpose gym would be added to the east side of the NDCC and would include constructed space underneath to provide additional meeting rooms and a leased space opportunity.

Tenants for the sports physiotherapy spaces in the lower part of the building would be explored once approval for the gym has been received.

The Rotary Club of Nelson, Kiwanis, Gyro Club, Nelson Daybreak Rotary Club, Nelson Lions Club, New Grand Hotel and the Nelson Leafs Hockey Society are all in support of the project.

The need

According to an NDCC report, there has been a need for a large multi-purpose gym in the city that can accommodate large-scale events including conferences, trade shows and banquets for up to 500 people.

The gymnasium is also expected to provide additional recreation programming and spontaneous use activities.

Former NDCC general manager Bernie Van Hooft said in 2008 the NDCC currently couldn’t meet the demand for dry land fitness programming for the district, particularly during prime use times.

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