Today’s Poll

KLOSPS and the Aviva Community Fund

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 29th, 2010

The Kootenay Lake Outdoor Skatepark Society (KLOSPS) has applied for an online interactive grant to build the skatepark and needs help in landing the money.

Aviva insurance has created the Aviva Community Fund competition “to help make a positive impact in Canadian communities — whether that’s through providing education, youth programs, helping the environment, or cultural activities — by funding local and national initiatives for change,” according to the Aviva website.

The Aviva fund challenges communities to create and share ideas that effect positive change in their community. The most popular ideas will have a chance to share in the $1 million Aviva Community Fund.

Competitors post their ideas on the Aviva website. KLOSPS currently has their project posted on the website and needs the community to vote en mass and keep voting to help their chances of winning.

The winners are picked based on community support — that is, votes — and by a panel of judges.

The following link should lead to the idea and the voting button, if not please copy the web address and paste in address bar:,0

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